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Latest 25 from a total of 25 transactions
Transaction Hash |
Submit Value | 7002744 | 138 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0028218 | ||||
Submit Value | 6998150 | 138 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00346312 | ||||
Submit Value | 6993559 | 138 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00767751 | ||||
Submit Value | 6988961 | 138 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00505726 | ||||
Submit Value | 6984366 | 138 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00509391 | ||||
Submit Value | 6979777 | 138 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00149152 | ||||
Submit Value | 6975233 | 139 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00304168 | ||||
Submit Value | 6970745 | 139 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0104077 | ||||
Submit Value | 6966403 | 139 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00886853 | ||||
Submit Value | 6961832 | 139 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00899679 | ||||
Submit Value | 6957258 | 139 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00382959 | ||||
Submit Value | 6952682 | 139 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0022721 | ||||
Submit Value | 6948112 | 140 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00390288 | ||||
Submit Value | 6943540 | 140 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00472744 | ||||
Submit Value | 6938964 | 140 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00452588 | ||||
Submit Value | 6934391 | 140 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.0048557 | ||||
Submit Value | 6929814 | 140 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00511189 | ||||
Submit Value | 6925235 | 140 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00045808 | ||||
Submit Value | 6920665 | 141 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00245533 | ||||
Submit Value | 6916097 | 141 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00170774 | ||||
Submit Value | 6911522 | 141 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00053321 | ||||
Submit Value | 6906948 | 141 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00043609 | ||||
Submit Value | 6902369 | 141 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00046541 | ||||
Submit Value | 6897793 | 141 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00018323 | ||||
Submit Value | 6893211 | 142 days ago | IN | 0 ETH | 0.00034262 |
Latest 25 internal transactions (View All)
Parent Transaction Hash | Block | From | To | |||
7002744 | 138 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6998150 | 138 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6993559 | 138 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6988961 | 138 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6984366 | 138 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6979777 | 138 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6975233 | 139 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6970745 | 139 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6966403 | 139 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6961832 | 139 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6957258 | 139 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6952682 | 139 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6948112 | 140 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6943540 | 140 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6938964 | 140 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6934391 | 140 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6929814 | 140 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6925235 | 140 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6920665 | 141 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6916097 | 141 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6911522 | 141 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6906948 | 141 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6902369 | 141 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6897793 | 141 days ago | 0 ETH | ||||
6893211 | 142 days ago | 0 ETH |
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Contract Source Code (Solidity)
/** *Submitted for verification at on 2024-03-12 */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.3; interface IERC20 { function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) external returns (bool); } /** @author Tellor Inc. @title TellorFlex @dev This is a streamlined Tellor oracle system which handles staking, reporting, * slashing, and user data getters in one contract. This contract is controlled * by a single address known as 'governance', which could be an externally owned * account or a contract, allowing for a flexible, modular design. */ contract TellorFlex { // Storage IERC20 public immutable token; // token used for staking and rewards address public governance; // address with ability to remove values and slash reporters address public immutable owner; // contract deployer, can call init function once uint256 public accumulatedRewardPerShare; // accumulated staking reward per staked token uint256 public immutable minimumStakeAmount; // minimum amount of tokens required to stake uint256 public immutable reportingLock; // base amount of time before a reporter is able to submit a value again uint256 public rewardRate; // total staking rewards released per second uint256 public stakeAmount; // minimum amount required to be a staker uint256 public immutable stakeAmountDollarTarget; // amount of US dollars required to be a staker uint256 public stakingRewardsBalance; // total amount of staking rewards bytes32 public immutable stakingTokenPriceQueryId; // staking token SpotPrice queryId, used for updating stakeAmount uint256 public constant timeBasedReward = 5e17; // amount of TB rewards released per 5 minutes uint256 public timeOfLastAllocation; // time of last update to accumulatedRewardPerShare uint256 public timeOfLastNewValue = block.timestamp; // time of the last new submitted value, originally set to the block timestamp uint256 public totalRewardDebt; // staking reward debt, used to calculate real staking rewards balance uint256 public totalStakeAmount; // total amount of tokens locked in contract (via stake) uint256 public totalStakers; // total number of stakers with at least stakeAmount staked, not exact uint256 public toWithdraw; //amountLockedForWithdrawal mapping(bytes32 => Report) private reports; // mapping of query IDs to a report mapping(address => StakeInfo) private stakerDetails; // mapping from a persons address to their staking info // Structs struct Report { uint256[] timestamps; // array of all newValueTimestamps reported mapping(uint256 => uint256) timestampIndex; // mapping of timestamps to respective indices mapping(uint256 => bytes) valueByTimestamp; // mapping of timestamps to values mapping(uint256 => address) reporterByTimestamp; // mapping of timestamps to reporters mapping(uint256 => bool) isDisputed; } struct StakeInfo { uint256 startDate; // stake or withdrawal request start date uint256 stakedBalance; // staked token balance uint256 lockedBalance; // amount locked for withdrawal uint256 rewardDebt; // used for staking reward calculation uint256 reporterLastTimestamp; // timestamp of reporter's last reported value uint256 reportsSubmitted; // total number of reports submitted by reporter uint256 startVoteCount; // total number of governance votes when stake deposited uint256 startVoteTally; // staker vote tally when stake deposited bool staked; // used to keep track of total stakers } // Events event NewReport( bytes32 indexed _queryId, uint256 indexed _time, bytes _value, uint256 _nonce, bytes _queryData, address indexed _reporter ); event NewStakeAmount(uint256 _newStakeAmount); event NewStaker(address indexed _staker, uint256 indexed _amount); event ReporterSlashed( address indexed _reporter, address _recipient, uint256 _slashAmount ); event StakeWithdrawn(address _staker); event StakeWithdrawRequested(address _staker, uint256 _amount); event ValueRemoved(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp); // Functions /** * @dev Initializes system parameters * @param _token address of token used for staking and rewards * @param _reportingLock base amount of time (seconds) before reporter is able to report again * @param _stakeAmountDollarTarget fixed USD amount that stakeAmount targets on updateStakeAmount * @param _stakingTokenPrice current price of staking token in USD (18 decimals) * @param _stakingTokenPriceQueryId queryId where staking token price is reported */ constructor( address _token, uint256 _reportingLock, uint256 _stakeAmountDollarTarget, uint256 _stakingTokenPrice, uint256 _minimumStakeAmount, bytes32 _stakingTokenPriceQueryId ) { require(_token != address(0), "must set token address"); require(_stakingTokenPrice > 0, "must set staking token price"); require(_reportingLock > 0, "must set reporting lock"); require(_stakingTokenPriceQueryId != bytes32(0), "must set staking token price queryId"); token = IERC20(_token); owner = msg.sender; reportingLock = _reportingLock; stakeAmountDollarTarget = _stakeAmountDollarTarget; minimumStakeAmount = _minimumStakeAmount; uint256 _potentialStakeAmount = (_stakeAmountDollarTarget * 1e18) / _stakingTokenPrice; if(_potentialStakeAmount < _minimumStakeAmount) { stakeAmount = _minimumStakeAmount; } else { stakeAmount = _potentialStakeAmount; } stakingTokenPriceQueryId = _stakingTokenPriceQueryId; } /** * @dev Allows the owner to initialize the governance (flex addy needed for governance deployment) * @param _governanceAddress address of governance contract ( */ function init(address _governanceAddress) external { require(msg.sender == owner, "only owner can set governance address"); require(governance == address(0), "governance address already set"); require( _governanceAddress != address(0), "governance address can't be zero address" ); governance = _governanceAddress; } /** * @dev Funds the Flex contract with staking rewards (paid by autopay and minting) * @param _amount amount of tokens to fund contract with */ function addStakingRewards(uint256 _amount) external { require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount)); _updateRewards(); stakingRewardsBalance += _amount; // update reward rate = real staking rewards balance / 30 days rewardRate = (stakingRewardsBalance - ((accumulatedRewardPerShare * totalStakeAmount) / 1e18 - totalRewardDebt)) / 30 days; } /** * @dev Allows a reporter to submit stake * @param _amount amount of tokens to stake */ function depositStake(uint256 _amount) external { require(governance != address(0), "governance address not set"); StakeInfo storage _staker = stakerDetails[msg.sender]; uint256 _stakedBalance = _staker.stakedBalance; uint256 _lockedBalance = _staker.lockedBalance; if (_lockedBalance > 0) { if (_lockedBalance >= _amount) { // if staker's locked balance covers full _amount, use that _staker.lockedBalance -= _amount; toWithdraw -= _amount; } else { // otherwise, stake the whole locked balance and transfer the // remaining amount from the staker's address require( token.transferFrom( msg.sender, address(this), _amount - _lockedBalance ) ); toWithdraw -= _staker.lockedBalance; _staker.lockedBalance = 0; } } else { if (_stakedBalance == 0) { // if staked balance and locked balance equal 0, save current vote tally. // voting participation used for calculating rewards (bool _success, bytes memory _returnData) = abi.encodeWithSignature("getVoteCount()") ); if (_success) { _staker.startVoteCount = uint256(abi.decode(_returnData, (uint256))); } (_success,_returnData) = abi.encodeWithSignature("getVoteTallyByAddress(address)",msg.sender) ); if(_success){ _staker.startVoteTally = abi.decode(_returnData,(uint256)); } } require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount)); } _updateStakeAndPayRewards(msg.sender, _stakedBalance + _amount); _staker.startDate = block.timestamp; // This resets the staker start date to now emit NewStaker(msg.sender, _amount); } /** * @dev Removes a value from the oracle. * Note: this function is only callable by the Governance contract. * @param _queryId is ID of the specific data feed * @param _timestamp is the timestamp of the data value to remove */ function removeValue(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) external { require(msg.sender == governance, "caller must be governance address"); Report storage _report = reports[_queryId]; require(!_report.isDisputed[_timestamp], "value already disputed"); uint256 _index = _report.timestampIndex[_timestamp]; require(_timestamp == _report.timestamps[_index], "invalid timestamp"); _report.valueByTimestamp[_timestamp] = ""; _report.isDisputed[_timestamp] = true; emit ValueRemoved(_queryId, _timestamp); } /** * @dev Allows a reporter to request to withdraw their stake * @param _amount amount of staked tokens requesting to withdraw */ function requestStakingWithdraw(uint256 _amount) external { StakeInfo storage _staker = stakerDetails[msg.sender]; require( _staker.stakedBalance >= _amount, "insufficient staked balance" ); _updateStakeAndPayRewards(msg.sender, _staker.stakedBalance - _amount); _staker.startDate = block.timestamp; _staker.lockedBalance += _amount; toWithdraw += _amount; emit StakeWithdrawRequested(msg.sender, _amount); } /** * @dev Slashes a reporter and transfers their stake amount to the given recipient * Note: this function is only callable by the governance address. * @param _reporter is the address of the reporter being slashed * @param _recipient is the address receiving the reporter's stake * @return _slashAmount uint256 amount of token slashed and sent to recipient address */ function slashReporter(address _reporter, address _recipient) external returns (uint256 _slashAmount) { require(msg.sender == governance, "only governance can slash reporter"); StakeInfo storage _staker = stakerDetails[_reporter]; uint256 _stakedBalance = _staker.stakedBalance; uint256 _lockedBalance = _staker.lockedBalance; require(_stakedBalance + _lockedBalance > 0, "zero staker balance"); if (_lockedBalance >= stakeAmount) { // if locked balance is at least stakeAmount, slash from locked balance _slashAmount = stakeAmount; _staker.lockedBalance -= stakeAmount; toWithdraw -= stakeAmount; } else if (_lockedBalance + _stakedBalance >= stakeAmount) { // if locked balance + staked balance is at least stakeAmount, // slash from locked balance and slash remainder from staked balance _slashAmount = stakeAmount; _updateStakeAndPayRewards( _reporter, _stakedBalance - (stakeAmount - _lockedBalance) ); toWithdraw -= _lockedBalance; _staker.lockedBalance = 0; } else { // if sum(locked balance + staked balance) is less than stakeAmount, // slash sum _slashAmount = _stakedBalance + _lockedBalance; toWithdraw -= _lockedBalance; _updateStakeAndPayRewards(_reporter, 0); _staker.lockedBalance = 0; } require(token.transfer(_recipient, _slashAmount)); emit ReporterSlashed(_reporter, _recipient, _slashAmount); } /** * @dev Allows a reporter to submit a value to the oracle * @param _queryId is ID of the specific data feed. Equals keccak256(_queryData) for non-legacy IDs * @param _value is the value the user submits to the oracle * @param _nonce is the current value count for the query id * @param _queryData is the data used to fulfill the data query */ function submitValue( bytes32 _queryId, bytes calldata _value, uint256 _nonce, bytes calldata _queryData ) external { require(keccak256(_value) != keccak256(""), "value must be submitted"); Report storage _report = reports[_queryId]; require( _nonce == _report.timestamps.length || _nonce == 0, "nonce must match timestamp index" ); StakeInfo storage _staker = stakerDetails[msg.sender]; require( _staker.stakedBalance >= stakeAmount, "balance must be greater than stake amount" ); // Require reporter to abide by given reporting lock require( (block.timestamp - _staker.reporterLastTimestamp) * 1000 > (reportingLock * 1000) / (_staker.stakedBalance / stakeAmount), "still in reporter time lock, please wait!" ); require( _queryId == keccak256(_queryData), "query id must be hash of query data" ); _staker.reporterLastTimestamp = block.timestamp; // Checks for no double reporting of timestamps require( _report.reporterByTimestamp[block.timestamp] == address(0), "timestamp already reported for" ); // Update number of timestamps, value for given timestamp, and reporter for timestamp _report.timestampIndex[block.timestamp] = _report.timestamps.length; _report.timestamps.push(block.timestamp); _report.valueByTimestamp[block.timestamp] = _value; _report.reporterByTimestamp[block.timestamp] = msg.sender; // Disperse Time Based Reward uint256 _reward = ((block.timestamp - timeOfLastNewValue) * timeBasedReward) / 300; //.5 TRB per 5 minutes uint256 _totalTimeBasedRewardsBalance = token.balanceOf(address(this)) - (totalStakeAmount + stakingRewardsBalance + toWithdraw); if (_totalTimeBasedRewardsBalance > 0 && _reward > 0) { if (_totalTimeBasedRewardsBalance < _reward) { token.transfer(msg.sender, _totalTimeBasedRewardsBalance); } else { token.transfer(msg.sender, _reward); } } // Update last oracle value and number of values submitted by a reporter timeOfLastNewValue = block.timestamp; unchecked{ _staker.reportsSubmitted++; } emit NewReport( _queryId, block.timestamp, _value, _nonce, _queryData, msg.sender ); } /** * @dev Updates the stake amount after retrieving the latest * 12+-hour-old staking token price from the oracle */ function updateStakeAmount() external { // get staking token price (bool _valFound, bytes memory _val, ) = getDataBefore( stakingTokenPriceQueryId, block.timestamp - 12 hours ); if (_valFound) { uint256 _stakingTokenPrice = abi.decode(_val, (uint256)); require( _stakingTokenPrice >= 0.01 ether && _stakingTokenPrice < 1000000 ether, "invalid staking token price" ); uint256 _adjustedStakeAmount = (stakeAmountDollarTarget * 1e18) / _stakingTokenPrice; if(_adjustedStakeAmount < minimumStakeAmount) { stakeAmount = minimumStakeAmount; } else { stakeAmount = _adjustedStakeAmount; } emit NewStakeAmount(stakeAmount); } } /** * @dev Withdraws a reporter's stake after the lock period expires */ function withdrawStake() external { StakeInfo storage _staker = stakerDetails[msg.sender]; // Ensure reporter is locked and that enough time has passed require( block.timestamp - _staker.startDate >= 7 days, "7 days didn't pass" ); require( _staker.lockedBalance > 0, "reporter not locked for withdrawal" ); require(token.transfer(msg.sender, _staker.lockedBalance)); toWithdraw -= _staker.lockedBalance; _staker.lockedBalance = 0; emit StakeWithdrawn(msg.sender); } // ***************************************************************************** // * * // * Getters * // * * // ***************************************************************************** /** * @dev Returns the current value of a data feed given a specific ID * @param _queryId is the ID of the specific data feed * @return _value the latest submitted value for the given queryId */ function getCurrentValue(bytes32 _queryId) external view returns (bytes memory _value) { bool _didGet; (_didGet, _value, ) = getDataBefore(_queryId, block.timestamp + 1); if(!_didGet){revert();} } /** * @dev Retrieves the latest value for the queryId before the specified timestamp * @param _queryId is the queryId to look up the value for * @param _timestamp before which to search for latest value * @return _ifRetrieve bool true if able to retrieve a non-zero value * @return _value the value retrieved * @return _timestampRetrieved the value's timestamp */ function getDataBefore(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) public view returns ( bool _ifRetrieve, bytes memory _value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved ) { (bool _found, uint256 _index) = getIndexForDataBefore( _queryId, _timestamp ); if (!_found) return (false, bytes(""), 0); _timestampRetrieved = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _index); _value = retrieveData(_queryId, _timestampRetrieved); return (true, _value, _timestampRetrieved); } /** * @dev Returns governance address * @return address governance */ function getGovernanceAddress() external view returns (address) { return governance; } /** * @dev Counts the number of values that have been submitted for the request. * @param _queryId the id to look up * @return uint256 count of the number of values received for the id */ function getNewValueCountbyQueryId(bytes32 _queryId) public view returns (uint256) { return reports[_queryId].timestamps.length; } /** * @dev Returns the pending staking reward for a given address * @param _stakerAddress staker address to look up * @return _pendingReward - pending reward for given staker */ function getPendingRewardByStaker(address _stakerAddress) external returns (uint256 _pendingReward) { StakeInfo storage _staker = stakerDetails[_stakerAddress]; _pendingReward = (_staker.stakedBalance * _getUpdatedAccumulatedRewardPerShare()) / 1e18 - _staker.rewardDebt; (bool _success, bytes memory _returnData) = abi.encodeWithSignature("getVoteCount()") ); uint256 _numberOfVotes; if (_success) { _numberOfVotes = uint256(abi.decode(_returnData, (uint256))) - _staker.startVoteCount; } if (_numberOfVotes > 0) { (_success,_returnData) = abi.encodeWithSignature("getVoteTallyByAddress(address)",_stakerAddress) ); if(_success){ _pendingReward = (_pendingReward * (abi.decode(_returnData,(uint256)) - _staker.startVoteTally)) / _numberOfVotes; } } } /** * @dev Returns the real staking rewards balance after accounting for unclaimed rewards * @return uint256 real staking rewards balance */ function getRealStakingRewardsBalance() external view returns (uint256) { uint256 _pendingRewards = (_getUpdatedAccumulatedRewardPerShare() * totalStakeAmount) / 1e18 - totalRewardDebt; return (stakingRewardsBalance - _pendingRewards); } /** * @dev Returns reporter address and whether a value was removed for a given queryId and timestamp * @param _queryId the id to look up * @param _timestamp is the timestamp of the value to look up * @return address reporter who submitted the value * @return bool true if the value was removed */ function getReportDetails(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) external view returns (address, bool) { return (reports[_queryId].reporterByTimestamp[_timestamp], reports[_queryId].isDisputed[_timestamp]); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the reporter who submitted a value for a data ID at a specific time * @param _queryId is ID of the specific data feed * @param _timestamp is the timestamp to find a corresponding reporter for * @return address of the reporter who reported the value for the data ID at the given timestamp */ function getReporterByTimestamp(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) external view returns (address) { return reports[_queryId].reporterByTimestamp[_timestamp]; } /** * @dev Returns the timestamp of the reporter's last submission * @param _reporter is address of the reporter * @return uint256 timestamp of the reporter's last submission */ function getReporterLastTimestamp(address _reporter) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerDetails[_reporter].reporterLastTimestamp; } /** * @dev Returns the reporting lock time, the amount of time a reporter must wait to submit again * @return uint256 reporting lock time */ function getReportingLock() external view returns (uint256) { return reportingLock; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values submitted by a specific reporter address * @param _reporter is the address of a reporter * @return uint256 the number of values submitted by the given reporter */ function getReportsSubmittedByAddress(address _reporter) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerDetails[_reporter].reportsSubmitted; } /** * @dev Returns amount required to report oracle values * @return uint256 stake amount */ function getStakeAmount() external view returns (uint256) { return stakeAmount; } /** * @dev Returns all information about a staker * @param _stakerAddress address of staker inquiring about * @return uint startDate of staking * @return uint current amount staked * @return uint current amount locked for withdrawal * @return uint reward debt used to calculate staking rewards * @return uint reporter's last reported timestamp * @return uint total number of reports submitted by reporter * @return uint governance vote count when first staked * @return uint number of votes cast by staker when first staked * @return bool whether staker is counted in totalStakers */ function getStakerInfo(address _stakerAddress) external view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, bool ) { StakeInfo storage _staker = stakerDetails[_stakerAddress]; return ( _staker.startDate, _staker.stakedBalance, _staker.lockedBalance, _staker.rewardDebt, _staker.reporterLastTimestamp, _staker.reportsSubmitted, _staker.startVoteCount, _staker.startVoteTally, _staker.staked ); } /** * @dev Returns the timestamp for the last value of any ID from the oracle * @return uint256 timestamp of the last oracle value */ function getTimeOfLastNewValue() external view returns (uint256) { return timeOfLastNewValue; } /** * @dev Gets the timestamp for the value based on their index * @param _queryId is the id to look up * @param _index is the value index to look up * @return uint256 timestamp */ function getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _index) public view returns (uint256) { return reports[_queryId].timestamps[_index]; } /** * @dev Retrieves latest array index of data before the specified timestamp for the queryId * @param _queryId is the queryId to look up the index for * @param _timestamp is the timestamp before which to search for the latest index * @return _found whether the index was found * @return _index the latest index found before the specified timestamp */ // slither-disable-next-line calls-loop function getIndexForDataBefore(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) public view returns (bool _found, uint256 _index) { uint256 _count = getNewValueCountbyQueryId(_queryId); if (_count > 0) { uint256 _middle; uint256 _start = 0; uint256 _end = _count - 1; uint256 _time; //Checking Boundaries to short-circuit the algorithm _time = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _start); if (_time >= _timestamp) return (false, 0); _time = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _end); if (_time < _timestamp) { while(isInDispute(_queryId, _time) && _end > 0) { _end--; _time = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _end); } if(_end == 0 && isInDispute(_queryId, _time)) { return (false, 0); } return (true, _end); } //Since the value is within our boundaries, do a binary search while (true) { _middle = (_end - _start) / 2 + 1 + _start; _time = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _middle); if (_time < _timestamp) { //get immediate next value uint256 _nextTime = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex( _queryId, _middle + 1 ); if (_nextTime >= _timestamp) { if(!isInDispute(_queryId, _time)) { // _time is correct return (true, _middle); } else { // iterate backwards until we find a non-disputed value while(isInDispute(_queryId, _time) && _middle > 0) { _middle--; _time = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _middle); } if(_middle == 0 && isInDispute(_queryId, _time)) { return (false, 0); } // _time is correct return (true, _middle); } } else { //look from middle + 1(next value) to end _start = _middle + 1; } } else { uint256 _prevTime = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex( _queryId, _middle - 1 ); if (_prevTime < _timestamp) { if(!isInDispute(_queryId, _prevTime)) { // _prevTime is correct return (true, _middle - 1); } else { // iterate backwards until we find a non-disputed value _middle--; while(isInDispute(_queryId, _prevTime) && _middle > 0) { _middle--; _prevTime = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex( _queryId, _middle ); } if(_middle == 0 && isInDispute(_queryId, _prevTime)) { return (false, 0); } // _prevtime is correct return (true, _middle); } } else { //look from start to middle -1(prev value) _end = _middle - 1; } } } } return (false, 0); } /** * @dev Returns the index of a reporter timestamp in the timestamp array for a specific data ID * @param _queryId is ID of the specific data feed * @param _timestamp is the timestamp to find in the timestamps array * @return uint256 of the index of the reporter timestamp in the array for specific ID */ function getTimestampIndexByTimestamp(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) external view returns (uint256) { return reports[_queryId].timestampIndex[_timestamp]; } /** * @dev Returns the address of the token used for staking * @return address of the token used for staking */ function getTokenAddress() external view returns (address) { return address(token); } /** * @dev Returns total amount of token staked for reporting * @return uint256 total amount of token staked */ function getTotalStakeAmount() external view returns (uint256) { return totalStakeAmount; } /** * @dev Returns total number of current stakers. Reporters with stakedBalance less than stakeAmount are excluded from this total * @return uint256 total stakers */ function getTotalStakers() external view returns (uint256) { return totalStakers; } /** * @dev Returns total balance of time based rewards in contract * @return uint256 amount of trb */ function getTotalTimeBasedRewardsBalance() external view returns (uint256) { return token.balanceOf(address(this)) - (totalStakeAmount + stakingRewardsBalance + toWithdraw); } /** * @dev Returns whether a given value is disputed * @param _queryId unique ID of the data feed * @param _timestamp timestamp of the value * @return bool whether the value is disputed */ function isInDispute(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) public view returns (bool) { return reports[_queryId].isDisputed[_timestamp]; } /** * @dev Retrieve value from oracle based on timestamp * @param _queryId being requested * @param _timestamp to retrieve data/value from * @return bytes value for timestamp submitted */ function retrieveData(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) public view returns (bytes memory) { return reports[_queryId].valueByTimestamp[_timestamp]; } /** * @dev Used during the upgrade process to verify valid Tellor contracts * @return bool value used to verify valid Tellor contracts */ function verify() external pure returns (uint256) { return 9999; } // ***************************************************************************** // * * // * Internal functions * // * * // ***************************************************************************** /** * @dev Updates accumulated staking rewards per staked token */ function _updateRewards() internal { if (timeOfLastAllocation == block.timestamp) { return; } if (totalStakeAmount == 0 || rewardRate == 0) { timeOfLastAllocation = block.timestamp; return; } // calculate accumulated reward per token staked uint256 _newAccumulatedRewardPerShare = accumulatedRewardPerShare + ((block.timestamp - timeOfLastAllocation) * rewardRate * 1e18) / totalStakeAmount; // calculate accumulated reward with _newAccumulatedRewardPerShare uint256 _accumulatedReward = (_newAccumulatedRewardPerShare * totalStakeAmount) / 1e18 - totalRewardDebt; if (_accumulatedReward >= stakingRewardsBalance) { // if staking rewards run out, calculate remaining reward per staked // token and set rewardRate to 0 uint256 _newPendingRewards = stakingRewardsBalance - ((accumulatedRewardPerShare * totalStakeAmount) / 1e18 - totalRewardDebt); accumulatedRewardPerShare += (_newPendingRewards * 1e18) / totalStakeAmount; rewardRate = 0; } else { accumulatedRewardPerShare = _newAccumulatedRewardPerShare; } timeOfLastAllocation = block.timestamp; } /** * @dev Called whenever a user's stake amount changes. First updates staking rewards, * transfers pending rewards to user's address, and finally updates user's stake amount * and other relevant variables. * @param _stakerAddress address of user whose stake is being updated * @param _newStakedBalance new staked balance of user */ function _updateStakeAndPayRewards( address _stakerAddress, uint256 _newStakedBalance ) internal { _updateRewards(); StakeInfo storage _staker = stakerDetails[_stakerAddress]; if (_staker.stakedBalance > 0) { // if address already has a staked balance, calculate and transfer pending rewards uint256 _pendingReward = (_staker.stakedBalance * accumulatedRewardPerShare) / 1e18 - _staker.rewardDebt; // get staker voting participation rate uint256 _numberOfVotes; (bool _success, bytes memory _returnData) = abi.encodeWithSignature("getVoteCount()") ); if (_success) { _numberOfVotes = uint256(abi.decode(_returnData, (uint256))) - _staker.startVoteCount; } if (_numberOfVotes > 0) { // staking reward = pending reward * voting participation rate (_success, _returnData) = abi.encodeWithSignature("getVoteTallyByAddress(address)",_stakerAddress) ); if(_success){ uint256 _voteTally = abi.decode(_returnData,(uint256)); uint256 _tempPendingReward = (_pendingReward * (_voteTally - _staker.startVoteTally)) / _numberOfVotes; if (_tempPendingReward < _pendingReward) { _pendingReward = _tempPendingReward; } } } stakingRewardsBalance -= _pendingReward; require(token.transfer(msg.sender, _pendingReward)); totalRewardDebt -= _staker.rewardDebt; totalStakeAmount -= _staker.stakedBalance; } _staker.stakedBalance = _newStakedBalance; // Update total stakers if (_staker.stakedBalance >= stakeAmount) { if (_staker.staked == false) { totalStakers++; } _staker.staked = true; } else { if (_staker.staked == true && totalStakers > 0) { totalStakers--; } _staker.staked = false; } // tracks rewards accumulated before stake amount updated _staker.rewardDebt = (_staker.stakedBalance * accumulatedRewardPerShare) / 1e18; totalRewardDebt += _staker.rewardDebt; totalStakeAmount += _staker.stakedBalance; // update reward rate if staking rewards are available // given staker's updated parameters if(rewardRate == 0) { rewardRate = (stakingRewardsBalance - ((accumulatedRewardPerShare * totalStakeAmount) / 1e18 - totalRewardDebt)) / 30 days; } } /** * @dev Internal function retrieves updated accumulatedRewardPerShare * @return uint256 up-to-date accumulated reward per share */ function _getUpdatedAccumulatedRewardPerShare() internal view returns (uint256) { if (totalStakeAmount == 0) { return accumulatedRewardPerShare; } uint256 _newAccumulatedRewardPerShare = accumulatedRewardPerShare + ((block.timestamp - timeOfLastAllocation) * rewardRate * 1e18) / totalStakeAmount; uint256 _accumulatedReward = (_newAccumulatedRewardPerShare * totalStakeAmount) / 1e18 - totalRewardDebt; if (_accumulatedReward >= stakingRewardsBalance) { uint256 _newPendingRewards = stakingRewardsBalance - ((accumulatedRewardPerShare * totalStakeAmount) / 1e18 - totalRewardDebt); _newAccumulatedRewardPerShare = accumulatedRewardPerShare + (_newPendingRewards * 1e18) / totalStakeAmount; } return _newAccumulatedRewardPerShare; } }
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Contract Creation Code
Deployed Bytecode
Constructor Arguments (ABI-Encoded and is the last bytes of the Contract Creation Code above)
-----Decoded View---------------
Arg [0] : _token (address): 0x896419Ed2E0dC848a1f7d2814F4e5Df4b9B9bFcc
Arg [1] : _reportingLock (uint256): 43200
Arg [2] : _stakeAmountDollarTarget (uint256): 375000000000000000000
Arg [3] : _stakingTokenPrice (uint256): 100000000000000000000
Arg [4] : _minimumStakeAmount (uint256): 25000000000000000000
Arg [5] : _stakingTokenPriceQueryId (bytes32): 0x5c13cd9c97dbb98f2429c101a2a8150e6c7a0ddaff6124ee176a3a411067ded0
-----Encoded View---------------
6 Constructor Arguments found :
Arg [0] : 000000000000000000000000896419ed2e0dc848a1f7d2814f4e5df4b9b9bfcc
Arg [1] : 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a8c0
Arg [2] : 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000014542ba12a337c0000
Arg [3] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000056bc75e2d63100000
Arg [4] : 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015af1d78b58c40000
Arg [5] : 5c13cd9c97dbb98f2429c101a2a8150e6c7a0ddaff6124ee176a3a411067ded0
Deployed Bytecode Sourcemap
Swarm Source
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