Contract Source Code:
File 1 of 1 : Autopay
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.3;
interface ITellor {
function addresses(bytes32) external view returns (address);
function uints(bytes32) external view returns (uint256);
function burn(uint256 _amount) external;
function changeDeity(address _newDeity) external;
function changeOwner(address _newOwner) external;
function changeUint(bytes32 _target, uint256 _amount) external;
function migrate() external;
function mint(address _reciever, uint256 _amount) external;
function init() external;
function getAllDisputeVars(uint256 _disputeId)
returns (
uint256[9] memory,
function getDisputeIdByDisputeHash(bytes32 _hash)
returns (uint256);
function getDisputeUintVars(uint256 _disputeId, bytes32 _data)
returns (uint256);
function getLastNewValueById(uint256 _requestId)
returns (uint256, bool);
function retrieveData(uint256 _requestId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (uint256);
function getNewValueCountbyRequestId(uint256 _requestId)
returns (uint256);
function getAddressVars(bytes32 _data) external view returns (address);
function getUintVar(bytes32 _data) external view returns (uint256);
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
function name() external pure returns (string memory);
function symbol() external pure returns (string memory);
function decimals() external pure returns (uint8);
function isMigrated(address _addy) external view returns (bool);
function allowance(address _user, address _spender)
returns (uint256);
function allowedToTrade(address _user, uint256 _amount)
returns (bool);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) external returns (bool);
function approveAndTransferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _amount
) external returns (bool);
function balanceOf(address _user) external view returns (uint256);
function balanceOfAt(address _user, uint256 _blockNumber)
returns (uint256);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount)
returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(
address _from,
address _to,
uint256 _amount
) external returns (bool success);
function depositStake() external;
function requestStakingWithdraw() external;
function withdrawStake() external;
function changeStakingStatus(address _reporter, uint256 _status) external;
function slashReporter(address _reporter, address _disputer) external;
function getStakerInfo(address _staker)
returns (uint256, uint256);
function getTimestampbyRequestIDandIndex(uint256 _requestId, uint256 _index)
returns (uint256);
function getNewCurrentVariables()
returns (
bytes32 _c,
uint256[5] memory _r,
uint256 _d,
uint256 _t
function getNewValueCountbyQueryId(bytes32 _queryId)
returns (uint256);
function getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _index)
returns (uint256);
function retrieveData(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bytes memory);
enum VoteResult {
function setApprovedFunction(bytes4 _func, bool _val) external;
function beginDispute(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) external;
function delegate(address _delegate) external;
function delegateOfAt(address _user, uint256 _blockNumber)
returns (address);
function executeVote(uint256 _disputeId) external;
function proposeVote(
address _contract,
bytes4 _function,
bytes calldata _data,
uint256 _timestamp
) external;
function tallyVotes(uint256 _disputeId) external;
function governance() external view returns (address);
function updateMinDisputeFee() external;
function verify() external pure returns (uint256);
function vote(
uint256 _disputeId,
bool _supports,
bool _invalidQuery
) external;
function voteFor(
address[] calldata _addys,
uint256 _disputeId,
bool _supports,
bool _invalidQuery
) external;
function getDelegateInfo(address _holder)
returns (address, uint256);
function isFunctionApproved(bytes4 _func) external view returns (bool);
function isApprovedGovernanceContract(address _contract)
returns (bool);
function getVoteRounds(bytes32 _hash)
returns (uint256[] memory);
function getVoteCount() external view returns (uint256);
function getVoteInfo(uint256 _disputeId)
returns (
uint256[9] memory,
bool[2] memory,
bytes memory,
address[2] memory
function getDisputeInfo(uint256 _disputeId)
returns (
bytes memory,
function getOpenDisputesOnId(bytes32 _queryId)
returns (uint256);
function didVote(uint256 _disputeId, address _voter)
returns (bool);
function getReportTimestampByIndex(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _index)
returns (uint256);
function getValueByTimestamp(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bytes memory);
function getBlockNumberByTimestamp(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (uint256);
function getReportingLock() external view returns (uint256);
function getReporterByTimestamp(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (address);
function reportingLock() external view returns (uint256);
function removeValue(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) external;
function getTipsByUser(address _user) external view returns(uint256);
function tipQuery(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _tip, bytes memory _queryData) external;
function submitValue(bytes32 _queryId, bytes calldata _value, uint256 _nonce, bytes memory _queryData) external;
function burnTips() external;
function changeReportingLock(uint256 _newReportingLock) external;
function getReportsSubmittedByAddress(address _reporter) external view returns(uint256);
function changeTimeBasedReward(uint256 _newTimeBasedReward) external;
function getReporterLastTimestamp(address _reporter) external view returns(uint256);
function getTipsById(bytes32 _queryId) external view returns(uint256);
function getTimeBasedReward() external view returns(uint256);
function getTimestampCountById(bytes32 _queryId) external view returns(uint256);
function getTimestampIndexByTimestamp(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) external view returns(uint256);
function getCurrentReward(bytes32 _queryId) external view returns(uint256, uint256);
function getCurrentValue(bytes32 _queryId) external view returns(bytes memory);
function getDataBefore(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp) external view returns(bool _ifRetrieve, bytes memory _value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved);
function getTimeOfLastNewValue() external view returns(uint256);
function depositStake(uint256 _amount) external;
function requestStakingWithdraw(uint256 _amount) external;
//Test functions
function changeAddressVar(bytes32 _id, address _addy) external;
//parachute functions
function killContract() external;
function migrateFor(address _destination, uint256 _amount) external;
function rescue51PercentAttack(address _tokenHolder) external;
function rescueBrokenDataReporting() external;
function rescueFailedUpdate() external;
//Tellor 360
function addStakingRewards(uint256 _amount) external;
function _sliceUint(bytes memory _b)
returns (uint256 _number);
function claimOneTimeTip(bytes32 _queryId, uint256[] memory _timestamps)
function claimTip(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256[] memory _timestamps
) external;
function fee() external view returns (uint256);
function feedsWithFunding(uint256) external view returns (bytes32);
function fundFeed(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _amount
) external;
function getCurrentFeeds(bytes32 _queryId)
returns (bytes32[] memory);
function getCurrentTip(bytes32 _queryId) external view returns (uint256);
function getDataAfter(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bytes memory _value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved);
function getDataFeed(bytes32 _feedId)
returns (Autopay.FeedDetails memory);
function getFundedFeeds() external view returns (bytes32[] memory);
function getFundedQueryIds() external view returns (bytes32[] memory);
function getIndexForDataAfter(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bool _found, uint256 _index);
function getIndexForDataBefore(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bool _found, uint256 _index);
function getMultipleValuesBefore(
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _timestamp,
uint256 _maxAge,
uint256 _maxCount
returns (uint256[] memory _values, uint256[] memory _timestamps);
function getPastTipByIndex(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _index)
returns (Autopay.Tip memory);
function getPastTipCount(bytes32 _queryId) external view returns (uint256);
function getPastTips(bytes32 _queryId)
returns (Autopay.Tip[] memory);
function getQueryIdFromFeedId(bytes32 _feedId)
returns (bytes32);
function getRewardAmount(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256[] memory _timestamps
) external view returns (uint256 _cumulativeReward);
function getRewardClaimedStatus(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _timestamp
) external view returns (bool);
function getTipsByAddress(address _user) external view returns (uint256);
function isInDispute(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bool);
function queryIdFromDataFeedId(bytes32) external view returns (bytes32);
function queryIdsWithFunding(uint256) external view returns (bytes32);
function queryIdsWithFundingIndex(bytes32) external view returns (uint256);
function setupDataFeed(
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _reward,
uint256 _startTime,
uint256 _interval,
uint256 _window,
uint256 _priceThreshold,
uint256 _rewardIncreasePerSecond,
bytes memory _queryData,
uint256 _amount
) external;
function tellor() external view returns (address);
function tip(
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _amount,
bytes memory _queryData
) external;
function tips(bytes32, uint256)
returns (uint256 amount, uint256 timestamp);
function token() external view returns (address);
function userTipsTotal(address) external view returns (uint256);
function valueFor(bytes32 _id)
returns (
int256 _value,
uint256 _timestamp,
uint256 _statusCode
* @dev EIP2362 Interface for pull oracles
interface IERC2362
* @dev Exposed function pertaining to EIP standards
* @param _id bytes32 ID of the query
* @return int,uint,uint returns the value, timestamp, and status code of query
function valueFor(bytes32 _id) external view returns(int256,uint256,uint256);
interface IMappingContract{
function getTellorID(bytes32 _id) external view returns(bytes32);
@author Tellor Inc
@title UsingTellor
@dev This contract helps smart contracts read data from Tellor
contract UsingTellor is IERC2362 {
ITellor public tellor;
IMappingContract public idMappingContract;
* @dev the constructor sets the oracle address in storage
* @param _tellor is the Tellor Oracle address
constructor(address payable _tellor) {
tellor = ITellor(_tellor);
* @dev Retrieves the next value for the queryId after the specified timestamp
* @param _queryId is the queryId to look up the value for
* @param _timestamp after which to search for next value
* @return _value the value retrieved
* @return _timestampRetrieved the value's timestamp
function getDataAfter(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bytes memory _value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved)
(bool _found, uint256 _index) = getIndexForDataAfter(
if (!_found) {
return ("", 0);
_timestampRetrieved = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _index);
_value = retrieveData(_queryId, _timestampRetrieved);
return (_value, _timestampRetrieved);
* @dev Retrieves the latest value for the queryId before the specified timestamp
* @param _queryId is the queryId to look up the value for
* @param _timestamp before which to search for latest value
* @return _value the value retrieved
* @return _timestampRetrieved the value's timestamp
function getDataBefore(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bytes memory _value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved)
(, _value, _timestampRetrieved) = tellor.getDataBefore(
* @dev Retrieves latest array index of data before the specified timestamp for the queryId
* @param _queryId is the queryId to look up the index for
* @param _timestamp is the timestamp before which to search for the latest index
* @return _found whether the index was found
* @return _index the latest index found before the specified timestamp
// slither-disable-next-line calls-loop
function getIndexForDataAfter(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bool _found, uint256 _index)
uint256 _count = getNewValueCountbyQueryId(_queryId);
if (_count == 0) return (false, 0);
bool _search = true; // perform binary search
uint256 _middle = 0;
uint256 _start = 0;
uint256 _end = _count;
uint256 _timestampRetrieved;
// checking boundaries to short-circuit the algorithm
_timestampRetrieved = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _end);
if (_timestampRetrieved <= _timestamp) return (false, 0);
_timestampRetrieved = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _start);
if (_timestampRetrieved > _timestamp) {
// candidate found, check for disputes
_search = false;
// since the value is within our boundaries, do a binary search
while (_search) {
_middle = (_end + _start) / 2;
_timestampRetrieved = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(
if (_timestampRetrieved > _timestamp) {
// get immediate previous value
uint256 _prevTime = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(
_middle - 1
if (_prevTime <= _timestamp) {
// candidate found, check for disputes
_search = false;
} else {
// look from start to middle -1(prev value)
_end = _middle - 1;
} else {
// get immediate next value
uint256 _nextTime = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(
_middle + 1
if (_nextTime > _timestamp) {
// candidate found, check for disputes
_search = false;
_timestampRetrieved = _nextTime;
} else {
// look from middle + 1(next value) to end
_start = _middle + 1;
// candidate found, check for disputed values
if (!isInDispute(_queryId, _timestampRetrieved)) {
// _timestampRetrieved is correct
return (true, _middle);
} else {
// iterate forward until we find a non-disputed value
while (
isInDispute(_queryId, _timestampRetrieved) && _middle < _count
) {
_timestampRetrieved = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(
if (
_middle == _count && isInDispute(_queryId, _timestampRetrieved)
) {
return (false, 0);
// _timestampRetrieved is correct
return (true, _middle);
* @dev Retrieves latest array index of data before the specified timestamp for the queryId
* @param _queryId is the queryId to look up the index for
* @param _timestamp is the timestamp before which to search for the latest index
* @return _found whether the index was found
* @return _index the latest index found before the specified timestamp
// slither-disable-next-line calls-loop
function getIndexForDataBefore(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bool _found, uint256 _index)
return tellor.getIndexForDataBefore(_queryId, _timestamp);
* @dev Retrieves multiple uint256 values before the specified timestamp
* @param _queryId the unique id of the data query
* @param _timestamp the timestamp before which to search for values
* @param _maxAge the maximum number of seconds before the _timestamp to search for values
* @param _maxCount the maximum number of values to return
* @return _values the values retrieved, ordered from oldest to newest
* @return _timestamps the timestamps of the values retrieved
function getMultipleValuesBefore(
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _timestamp,
uint256 _maxAge,
uint256 _maxCount
returns (bytes[] memory _values, uint256[] memory _timestamps)
// get index of first possible value
(bool _ifRetrieve, uint256 _startIndex) = getIndexForDataAfter(
_timestamp - _maxAge
// no value within range
if (!_ifRetrieve) {
return (new bytes[](0), new uint256[](0));
uint256 _endIndex;
// get index of last possible value
(_ifRetrieve, _endIndex) = getIndexForDataBefore(_queryId, _timestamp);
// no value before _timestamp
if (!_ifRetrieve) {
return (new bytes[](0), new uint256[](0));
uint256 _valCount = 0;
uint256 _index = 0;
uint256[] memory _timestampsArrayTemp = new uint256[](_maxCount);
// generate array of non-disputed timestamps within range
while (_valCount < _maxCount && _endIndex + 1 - _index > _startIndex) {
uint256 _timestampRetrieved = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(
_endIndex - _index
if (!isInDispute(_queryId, _timestampRetrieved)) {
_timestampsArrayTemp[_valCount] = _timestampRetrieved;
bytes[] memory _valuesArray = new bytes[](_valCount);
uint256[] memory _timestampsArray = new uint256[](_valCount);
// retrieve values and reverse timestamps order
for (uint256 _i = 0; _i < _valCount; _i++) {
_timestampsArray[_i] = _timestampsArrayTemp[_valCount - 1 - _i];
_valuesArray[_i] = retrieveData(_queryId, _timestampsArray[_i]);
return (_valuesArray, _timestampsArray);
* @dev Counts the number of values that have been submitted for the queryId
* @param _queryId the id to look up
* @return uint256 count of the number of values received for the queryId
function getNewValueCountbyQueryId(bytes32 _queryId)
returns (uint256)
return tellor.getNewValueCountbyQueryId(_queryId);
* @dev Returns the address of the reporter who submitted a value for a data ID at a specific time
* @param _queryId is ID of the specific data feed
* @param _timestamp is the timestamp to find a corresponding reporter for
* @return address of the reporter who reported the value for the data ID at the given timestamp
function getReporterByTimestamp(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (address)
return tellor.getReporterByTimestamp(_queryId, _timestamp);
* @dev Gets the timestamp for the value based on their index
* @param _queryId is the id to look up
* @param _index is the value index to look up
* @return uint256 timestamp
function getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _index)
returns (uint256)
return tellor.getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _index);
* @dev Determines whether a value with a given queryId and timestamp has been disputed
* @param _queryId is the value id to look up
* @param _timestamp is the timestamp of the value to look up
* @return bool true if queryId/timestamp is under dispute
function isInDispute(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bool)
return tellor.isInDispute(_queryId, _timestamp);
* @dev Retrieve value from oracle based on queryId/timestamp
* @param _queryId being requested
* @param _timestamp to retrieve data/value from
* @return bytes value for query/timestamp submitted
function retrieveData(bytes32 _queryId, uint256 _timestamp)
returns (bytes memory)
return tellor.retrieveData(_queryId, _timestamp);
* @dev allows dev to set mapping contract for valueFor (EIP2362)
* @param _addy address of mapping contract
function setIdMappingContract(address _addy) external {
require(address(idMappingContract) == address(0));
idMappingContract = IMappingContract(_addy);
* @dev Retrieve most recent int256 value from oracle based on queryId
* @param _id being requested
* @return _value most recent value submitted
* @return _timestamp timestamp of most recent value
* @return _statusCode 200 if value found, 404 if not found
function valueFor(bytes32 _id)
returns (
int256 _value,
uint256 _timestamp,
uint256 _statusCode
bytes32 _queryId = idMappingContract.getTellorID(_id);
bytes memory _valueBytes;
(_valueBytes, _timestamp) = getDataBefore(
block.timestamp + 1
if (_timestamp == 0) {
return (0, 0, 404);
uint256 _valueUint = _sliceUint(_valueBytes);
_value = int256(_valueUint);
return (_value, _timestamp, 200);
// Internal functions
* @dev Convert bytes to uint256
* @param _b bytes value to convert to uint256
* @return _number uint256 converted from bytes
function _sliceUint(bytes memory _b)
returns (uint256 _number)
for (uint256 _i = 0; _i < _b.length; _i++) {
_number = _number * 256 + uint8(_b[_i]);
interface IERC20 {
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) external returns(bool);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) external returns(bool);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _amount) external returns(bool);
interface IQueryDataStorage {
function storeData(bytes memory _queryData) external;
function getQueryData(bytes32 _queryId) external view returns (bytes memory);
@author Tellor Inc.
@title Autopay
@dev This is a contract for automatically paying for Tellor oracle data at
* specific time intervals, as well as one time tips.
contract Autopay is UsingTellor {
// Storage
IERC20 public token; // TRB token address
IQueryDataStorage public queryDataStorage; // Query data storage contract
uint256 public fee; // 1000 is 100%, 50 is 5%, etc.
mapping(bytes32 => bytes32[]) currentFeeds; // mapping queryId to dataFeedIds array
mapping(bytes32 => mapping(bytes32 => Feed)) dataFeed; // mapping queryId to dataFeedId to details
mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) public queryIdFromDataFeedId; // mapping dataFeedId to queryId
mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public queryIdsWithFundingIndex; // mapping queryId to queryIdsWithFunding index plus one (0 if not in array)
mapping(bytes32 => Tip[]) public tips; // mapping queryId to tips
mapping(address => uint256) public userTipsTotal; // track user tip total per user
bytes32[] public feedsWithFunding; // array of dataFeedIds that have funding
bytes32[] public queryIdsWithFunding; // array of queryIds that have funding
// Structs
struct Feed {
FeedDetails details;
mapping(uint256 => bool) rewardClaimed; // tracks which tips were already paid out
struct FeedDetails {
uint256 reward; // amount paid for each eligible data submission
uint256 balance; // account remaining balance
uint256 startTime; // time of first payment window
uint256 interval; // time between pay periods
uint256 window; // amount of time data can be submitted per interval
uint256 priceThreshold; //change in price necessitating an update 100 = 1%
uint256 rewardIncreasePerSecond; // amount reward increases per second within window (0 for flat rewards)
uint256 feedsWithFundingIndex; // index plus one of dataFeedID in feedsWithFunding array (0 if not in array)
struct FeedDetailsWithQueryData {
FeedDetails details; // feed details for feed id with funding
bytes queryData; // query data for requested data
struct SingleTipsWithQueryData {
bytes queryData; // query data with single tip for requested data
uint256 tip; // reward amount for request
struct Tip {
uint256 amount; // amount tipped
uint256 timestamp; // time tipped
uint256 cumulativeTips; // cumulative tips for query ID
// Events
event DataFeedFunded(
bytes32 indexed _queryId,
bytes32 indexed _feedId,
uint256 indexed _amount,
address _feedFunder,
FeedDetails _feedDetails
event NewDataFeed(
bytes32 indexed _queryId,
bytes32 indexed _feedId,
bytes _queryData,
address _feedCreator
event OneTimeTipClaimed(
bytes32 indexed _queryId,
uint256 indexed _amount,
address indexed _reporter
event TipAdded(
bytes32 indexed _queryId,
uint256 indexed _amount,
bytes _queryData,
address _tipper
event TipClaimed(
bytes32 indexed _feedId,
bytes32 indexed _queryId,
uint256 indexed _amount,
address _reporter
// Functions
* @dev Initializes system parameters
* @param _tellor address of Tellor contract
* @param _queryDataStorage address of query data storage contract
* @param _fee percentage, 1000 is 100%, 50 is 5%, etc.
address payable _tellor,
address _queryDataStorage,
uint256 _fee
) UsingTellor(_tellor) {
token = IERC20(tellor.token());
queryDataStorage = IQueryDataStorage(_queryDataStorage);
fee = _fee;
* @dev Function to claim singular tip
* @param _queryId id of reported data
* @param _timestamps[] batch of timestamps array of reported data eligible for reward
function claimOneTimeTip(
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256[] calldata _timestamps
) external {
tips[_queryId].length > 0,
"no tips submitted for this queryId"
uint256 _cumulativeReward;
for (uint256 _i = 0; _i < _timestamps.length; _i++) {
_cumulativeReward += _getOneTimeTipAmount(
_cumulativeReward - ((_cumulativeReward * fee) / 1000)
token.approve(address(tellor), (_cumulativeReward * fee) / 1000);
tellor.addStakingRewards((_cumulativeReward * fee) / 1000);
if (getCurrentTip(_queryId) == 0) {
if (queryIdsWithFundingIndex[_queryId] != 0) {
uint256 _idx = queryIdsWithFundingIndex[_queryId] - 1;
// Replace unfunded feed in array with last element
queryIdsWithFunding[_idx] = queryIdsWithFunding[
queryIdsWithFunding.length - 1
bytes32 _queryIdLastFunded = queryIdsWithFunding[_idx];
queryIdsWithFundingIndex[_queryIdLastFunded] = _idx + 1;
queryIdsWithFundingIndex[_queryId] = 0;
emit OneTimeTipClaimed(_queryId, _cumulativeReward, msg.sender);
* @dev Allows Tellor reporters to claim their tips in batches
* @param _feedId unique feed identifier
* @param _queryId ID of reported data
* @param _timestamps batch of timestamps array of reported data eligible for reward
function claimTip(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256[] calldata _timestamps
) external {
Feed storage _feed = dataFeed[_queryId][_feedId];
uint256 _balance = _feed.details.balance;
require(_balance > 0, "no funds available for this feed");
uint256 _cumulativeReward;
for (uint256 _i = 0; _i < _timestamps.length; _i++) {
block.timestamp - _timestamps[_i] > 12 hours,
"buffer time has not passed"
getReporterByTimestamp(_queryId, _timestamps[_i]) == msg.sender,
"message sender not reporter for given queryId and timestamp"
_cumulativeReward += _getRewardAmount(
if (_cumulativeReward >= _balance) {
// Balance runs out
_i == _timestamps.length - 1,
"insufficient balance for all submitted timestamps"
_cumulativeReward = _balance;
// Adjust currently funded feeds
if (feedsWithFunding.length > 1) {
uint256 _idx = _feed.details.feedsWithFundingIndex - 1;
// Replace unfunded feed in array with last element
feedsWithFunding[_idx] = feedsWithFunding[
feedsWithFunding.length - 1
bytes32 _feedIdLastFunded = feedsWithFunding[_idx];
bytes32 _queryIdLastFunded = queryIdFromDataFeedId[
.feedsWithFundingIndex = _idx + 1;
_feed.details.feedsWithFundingIndex = 0;
_feed.rewardClaimed[_timestamps[_i]] = true;
_feed.details.balance -= _cumulativeReward;
_cumulativeReward - ((_cumulativeReward * fee) / 1000)
token.approve(address(tellor), (_cumulativeReward * fee) / 1000);
tellor.addStakingRewards((_cumulativeReward * fee) / 1000);
emit TipClaimed(_feedId, _queryId, _cumulativeReward, msg.sender);
* @dev Allows dataFeed account to be filled with tokens
* @param _feedId unique feed identifier
* @param _queryId identifier of reported data type associated with feed
* @param _amount quantity of tokens to fund feed
function fundFeed(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _amount
) public {
FeedDetails storage _feed = dataFeed[_queryId][_feedId].details;
require(_feed.reward > 0, "feed not set up");
require(_amount > 0, "must be sending an amount");
_feed.balance += _amount;
token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount),
"ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"
// Add to array of feeds with funding
if (_feed.feedsWithFundingIndex == 0 && _feed.balance > 0) {
_feed.feedsWithFundingIndex = feedsWithFunding.length;
userTipsTotal[msg.sender] += _amount;
emit DataFeedFunded(_feedId, _queryId, _amount, msg.sender, _feed);
* @dev Initializes dataFeed parameters.
* @param _queryId unique identifier of desired data feed
* @param _reward tip amount per eligible data submission
* @param _startTime timestamp of first autopay window
* @param _interval amount of time between autopay windows
* @param _window amount of time after each new interval when reports are eligible for tips
* @param _priceThreshold amount price must change to automate update regardless of time (negated if 0, 100 = 1%)
* @param _rewardIncreasePerSecond amount reward increases per second within a window (0 for flat reward)
* @param _queryData the data used by reporters to fulfill the query
* @param _amount optional initial amount to fund it with
function setupDataFeed(
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _reward,
uint256 _startTime,
uint256 _interval,
uint256 _window,
uint256 _priceThreshold,
uint256 _rewardIncreasePerSecond,
bytes calldata _queryData,
uint256 _amount
) external returns (bytes32 _feedId) {
_queryId == keccak256(_queryData),
"id must be hash of bytes data"
_feedId = keccak256(
FeedDetails storage _feed = dataFeed[_queryId][_feedId].details;
require(_feed.reward == 0, "feed must not be set up already");
require(_reward > 0, "reward must be greater than zero");
require(_interval > 0, "interval must be greater than zero");
_window < _interval,
"window must be less than interval length"
_feed.reward = _reward;
_feed.startTime = _startTime;
_feed.interval = _interval;
_feed.window = _window;
_feed.priceThreshold = _priceThreshold;
_feed.rewardIncreasePerSecond = _rewardIncreasePerSecond;
queryIdFromDataFeedId[_feedId] = _queryId;
emit NewDataFeed(_queryId, _feedId, _queryData, msg.sender);
if (_amount > 0) {
fundFeed(_feedId, _queryId, _amount);
return _feedId;
* @dev Function to run a single tip
* @param _queryId ID of tipped data
* @param _amount amount to tip
* @param _queryData the data used by reporters to fulfill the query
function tip(
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _amount,
bytes calldata _queryData
) external {
_queryId == keccak256(_queryData),
"id must be hash of bytes data"
require(_amount > 0, "tip must be greater than zero");
Tip[] storage _tips = tips[_queryId];
if (_tips.length == 0) {
_tips.push(Tip(_amount, block.timestamp + 1, _amount));
} else {
(, uint256 _timestampRetrieved) = _getCurrentValue(_queryId);
if (_timestampRetrieved < _tips[_tips.length - 1].timestamp) {
_tips[_tips.length - 1].timestamp = block.timestamp + 1;
_tips[_tips.length - 1].amount += _amount;
_tips[_tips.length - 1].cumulativeTips += _amount;
} else {
block.timestamp + 1,
_tips[_tips.length - 1].cumulativeTips + _amount
if (
queryIdsWithFundingIndex[_queryId] == 0 &&
getCurrentTip(_queryId) > 0
) {
queryIdsWithFundingIndex[_queryId] = queryIdsWithFunding.length;
token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount),
"ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"
userTipsTotal[msg.sender] += _amount;
emit TipAdded(_queryId, _amount, _queryData, msg.sender);
// Getters
* @dev Getter function to read current data feeds
* @param _queryId id of reported data
* @return feedIds array for queryId
function getCurrentFeeds(
bytes32 _queryId
) external view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
return currentFeeds[_queryId];
* @dev Getter function to current oneTime tip by queryId
* @param _queryId id of reported data
* @return amount of tip
function getCurrentTip(bytes32 _queryId) public view returns (uint256) {
// if no tips, return 0
if (tips[_queryId].length == 0) {
return 0;
(, uint256 _timestampRetrieved) = _getCurrentValue(_queryId);
Tip memory _lastTip = tips[_queryId][tips[_queryId].length - 1];
if (_timestampRetrieved < _lastTip.timestamp) {
return _lastTip.amount;
} else {
return 0;
* @dev Getter function to read a specific dataFeed
* @param _feedId unique feedId of parameters
* @return FeedDetails details of specified feed
function getDataFeed(
bytes32 _feedId
) external view returns (FeedDetails memory) {
return (dataFeed[queryIdFromDataFeedId[_feedId]][_feedId].details);
* @dev Getter function for currently funded feed details
* @return FeedDetailsWithQueryData[] array of details for funded feeds
function getFundedFeedDetails()
returns (FeedDetailsWithQueryData[] memory)
bytes32[] memory _feeds = this.getFundedFeeds();
memory _details = new FeedDetailsWithQueryData[](_feeds.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _feeds.length; i++) {
FeedDetails memory _feedDetail = this.getDataFeed(_feeds[i]);
bytes32 _queryId = this.getQueryIdFromFeedId(_feeds[i]);
bytes memory _queryData = queryDataStorage.getQueryData(_queryId);
_details[i].details = _feedDetail;
_details[i].queryData = _queryData;
return _details;
* @dev Getter function for currently funded feeds
function getFundedFeeds() external view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
return feedsWithFunding;
* @dev Getter function for queryIds with current one time tips
function getFundedQueryIds() external view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
return queryIdsWithFunding;
* @dev Getter function for currently funded single tips with queryData
* @return SingleTipsWithQueryData[] array of current tips
function getFundedSingleTipsInfo()
returns (SingleTipsWithQueryData[] memory)
bytes32[] memory _fundedQueryIds = this.getFundedQueryIds();
SingleTipsWithQueryData[] memory _query = new SingleTipsWithQueryData[](
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _fundedQueryIds.length; i++) {
bytes memory _data = queryDataStorage.getQueryData(
uint256 _reward = this.getCurrentTip(_fundedQueryIds[i]);
_query[i].queryData = _data;
_query[i].tip = _reward;
return _query;
* @dev Getter function to get number of past tips
* @param _queryId id of reported data
* @return count of tips available
function getPastTipCount(bytes32 _queryId) external view returns (uint256) {
return tips[_queryId].length;
* @dev Getter function for past tips
* @param _queryId id of reported data
* @return Tip struct (amount/timestamp) of all past tips
function getPastTips(
bytes32 _queryId
) external view returns (Tip[] memory) {
return tips[_queryId];
* @dev Getter function for past tips by index
* @param _queryId id of reported data
* @param _index uint index in the Tip array
* @return amount/timestamp of specific tip
function getPastTipByIndex(
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _index
) external view returns (Tip memory) {
return tips[_queryId][_index];
* @dev Getter function to lookup query IDs from dataFeed IDs
* @param _feedId dataFeed unique identifier
* @return bytes32 corresponding query ID
function getQueryIdFromFeedId(
bytes32 _feedId
) external view returns (bytes32) {
return queryIdFromDataFeedId[_feedId];
* @dev Getter function to read potential rewards for a set of oracle submissions
* NOTE: Does not consider reporter address, 12-hour dispute buffer period, or duplicate timestamps
* @param _feedId dataFeed unique identifier
* @param _queryId unique identifier of reported data
* @param _timestamps array of timestamps of oracle submissions
* @return _cumulativeReward total potential reward for the set of oracle submissions
function getRewardAmount(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256[] calldata _timestamps
) external view returns (uint256 _cumulativeReward) {
FeedDetails storage _feed = dataFeed[_queryId][_feedId].details;
for (uint256 _i = 0; _i < _timestamps.length; _i++) {
_cumulativeReward += _getRewardAmount(
if (_cumulativeReward > _feed.balance) {
_cumulativeReward = _feed.balance;
_cumulativeReward -= ((_cumulativeReward * fee) / 1000);
* @dev Getter function for reading whether a reward has been claimed
* @param _feedId feedId of dataFeed
* @param _queryId id of reported data
* @param _timestamp id or reported data
* @return bool rewardClaimed
function getRewardClaimedStatus(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _timestamp
) external view returns (bool) {
return dataFeed[_queryId][_feedId].rewardClaimed[_timestamp];
* @dev Getter function for reading whether a reward has been claimed
* @param _feedId feedId of dataFeed
* @param _queryId queryId of reported data
* @param _timestamp[] list of report timestamps
* @return bool[] list of rewardClaim status
function getRewardClaimStatusList(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256[] calldata _timestamp
) external view returns (bool[] memory) {
bool[] memory _status = new bool[](_timestamp.length);
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _timestamp.length; i++) {
_status[i] = dataFeed[_queryId][_feedId].rewardClaimed[
return _status;
* @dev Getter function for retrieving the total amount of tips paid by a given address
* @param _user address of user to query
* @return uint256 total amount of tips paid by user
function getTipsByAddress(address _user) external view returns (uint256) {
return userTipsTotal[_user];
// Internal functions
* @dev Internal function to read if a reward has been claimed
* @param _b bytes value to convert to uint256
* @return _number uint256 converted from bytes
function _bytesToUint(
bytes memory _b
) internal pure returns (uint256 _number) {
for (uint256 _i = 0; _i < _b.length; _i++) {
_number = _number * 256 + uint8(_b[_i]);
** @dev Internal function which determines tip eligibility for a given oracle submission
* @param _queryId id of reported data
* @param _timestamp timestamp of one time tip
* @return _tipAmount of tip
function _getOneTimeTipAmount(
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _timestamp
) internal returns (uint256 _tipAmount) {
block.timestamp - _timestamp > 12 hours,
"buffer time has not passed"
require(!isInDispute(_queryId, _timestamp), "value disputed");
msg.sender == getReporterByTimestamp(_queryId, _timestamp),
"msg sender must be reporter address"
Tip[] storage _tips = tips[_queryId];
uint256 _min = 0;
uint256 _max = _tips.length;
uint256 _mid;
while (_max - _min > 1) {
_mid = (_max + _min) / 2;
if (_tips[_mid].timestamp > _timestamp) {
_max = _mid;
} else {
_min = _mid;
(, uint256 _timestampBefore) = getDataBefore(_queryId, _timestamp);
_timestampBefore < _tips[_min].timestamp,
"tip earned by previous submission"
_timestamp >= _tips[_min].timestamp,
"timestamp not eligible for tip"
require(_tips[_min].amount > 0, "tip already claimed");
_tipAmount = _tips[_min].amount;
_tips[_min].amount = 0;
uint256 _minBackup = _min;
// check whether eligible for previous tips in array due to disputes
(, uint256 _indexNow) = getIndexForDataBefore(_queryId, _timestamp + 1);
(bool _found, uint256 _indexBefore) = getIndexForDataBefore(
_timestampBefore + 1
if (_indexNow - _indexBefore > 1 || !_found) {
if (!_found) {
_tipAmount = _tips[_minBackup].cumulativeTips;
} else {
_max = _min;
_min = 0;
while (_max - _min > 1) {
_mid = (_max + _min) / 2;
if (_tips[_mid].timestamp > _timestampBefore) {
_max = _mid;
} else {
_min = _mid;
if (_min < _minBackup) {
_tipAmount =
_tips[_minBackup].cumulativeTips -
_tips[_min].cumulativeTips +
* @dev Allows the user to get the latest value for the queryId specified
* @param _queryId is the id to look up the value for
* @return _value the value retrieved
* @return _timestampRetrieved the retrieved value's timestamp
function _getCurrentValue(
bytes32 _queryId
) internal view returns (bytes memory _value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved) {
uint256 _count = getNewValueCountbyQueryId(_queryId);
if (_count == 0) {
return (bytes(""), 0);
uint256 _time;
//loop handles for dispute (value = "" if disputed)
while (_count > 0) {
_time = getTimestampbyQueryIdandIndex(_queryId, _count);
_value = retrieveData(_queryId, _time);
if (_value.length > 0) {
return (_value, _time);
return (bytes(""), _time);
* @dev Internal function which determines the reward amount for a given oracle submission
* @param _feedId id of dataFeed
* @param _queryId id of reported data
* @param _timestamp timestamp of reported data eligible for reward
* @return _rewardAmount potential reward amount for the given oracle submission
function _getRewardAmount(
bytes32 _feedId,
bytes32 _queryId,
uint256 _timestamp
) internal view returns (uint256 _rewardAmount) {
block.timestamp - _timestamp < 4 weeks,
"timestamp too old to claim tip"
Feed storage _feed = dataFeed[_queryId][_feedId];
require(!_feed.rewardClaimed[_timestamp], "reward already claimed");
uint256 _n = (_timestamp - _feed.details.startTime) /
_feed.details.interval; // finds closest interval _n to timestamp
uint256 _c = _feed.details.startTime + _feed.details.interval * _n; // finds start timestamp _c of interval _n
bytes memory _valueRetrieved = retrieveData(_queryId, _timestamp);
require(_valueRetrieved.length != 0, "no value exists at timestamp");
bytes memory _valueRetrievedBefore,
uint256 _timestampBefore
) = getDataBefore(_queryId, _timestamp);
uint256 _priceChange = 0; // price change from last value to current value
if (_feed.details.priceThreshold != 0) {
uint256 _v1 = _bytesToUint(_valueRetrieved);
uint256 _v2 = _bytesToUint(_valueRetrievedBefore);
if (_v2 == 0) {
_priceChange = 10000;
} else if (_v1 >= _v2) {
_priceChange = (10000 * (_v1 - _v2)) / _v2;
} else {
_priceChange = (10000 * (_v2 - _v1)) / _v2;
_rewardAmount = _feed.details.reward;
uint256 _timeDiff = _timestamp - _c; // time difference between report timestamp and start of interval
// ensure either report is first within a valid window, or price change threshold is met
if (_timeDiff < _feed.details.window && _timestampBefore < _c) {
// add time based rewards if applicable
_rewardAmount += _feed.details.rewardIncreasePerSecond * _timeDiff;
} else {
_priceChange > _feed.details.priceThreshold,
"price threshold not met"
if (_feed.details.balance < _rewardAmount) {
_rewardAmount = _feed.details.balance;